Doleco Flat Lifting Ring Sling - 2T × 6m Green | Durable Lifting Solution
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  • Doleco Flat Lifting Ring Sling - 2T × 6m Green | Durable Lifting Solution

doleco Flat lifting ring sling 0561 9752 06 2T × 6m green sales specification: 1 piece


Product Overview

The Doleco Flat Lifting Ring Sling is a reliable and robust solution for safely handling loads. With a load capacity of 2 tons and a length of 6 meters, this durable green sling is perfect for a variety of applications in both industrial and commercial settings.


  • Category: Flat lifting ring sling
  • Rated load capacity (kg): 2000
  • length (mm): 6000
  • thickness (mm): 7
  • Width: 60
  • Colour: green

About This Item

Crafted from high-strength materials, the Doleco Flat Lifting Sling ensures long-lasting performance and reliability. The vibrant green color enhances visibility, promoting safety on job sites and making it easy to identify during lifting operations. Its versatile design allows it to be effectively used for various lifting tasks.

check In Stock

The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 4.

ModelCategoryRated load capacity (kg)Length (mm)Thickness (mm)Width (mm)ColourDelivery timePrice
0562 0202 03Flat lifting ring sling800030007240blue13 days$141
0561 9602 05Flat lifting ring sling10005000730Purple;5 days$21
0562 0302 12Flat lifting ring sling100001200010300orange16 days$673
0562 0102 03Flat lifting ring sling600030007180brown17 days$103
0561 9752 10Flat lifting ring sling200010000760green17 days$64
0562 0102 06Flat lifting ring sling600060007180brown18 days$166
0561 9602 04Flat lifting ring sling10004000730Purple;5 days$16
0561 9602 08Flat lifting ring sling10008000730Purple;5 days$30
0562 0002 12Flat lifting ring sling5000120007150orange22 days$227
0562 0202 05Flat lifting ring sling800050007240blue22 days$209
0562 0102 04Flat lifting ring sling600040007180brown22 days$117
0561 9852 08Flat lifting ring sling400080007120grey29 days$116
0561 9602 10Flat lifting ring sling100010000730Purple;5 days$42
0562 0302 06Flat lifting ring sling10000600010300orange5 days$291
0561 9782 04Flat lifting ring sling30004000790yellow5 days$45
0562 0302 10Flat lifting ring sling100001000010300orange5 days$438
0562 0302 04Flat lifting ring sling10000400010300orange30 days$209
0562 0202 08Flat lifting ring sling800080007240blue30 days$308
0562 0102 08Flat lifting ring sling600080007180brown30 days$209
0562 0302 02Flat lifting ring sling10000200010300orange30 days$140
0562 0202 06Flat lifting ring sling800060007240blue30 days$243
0562 0102 05Flat lifting ring sling600050007180brown30 days$141
0561 9782 10Flat lifting ring sling300010000790yellow30 days$103
0561 9852 02Flat lifting ring sling400020007120grey30 days$40
0562 0102 02Flat lifting ring sling600020007180brown30 days$82
0562 0202 04Flat lifting ring sling800040007240blue30 days$178
0562 0102 10Flat lifting ring sling6000100007180orange30 days$259
0562 0202 10Flat lifting ring sling8000100007240orange30 days$373
0561 9852 10Flat lifting ring sling4000100007120grey30 days$159
0562 0302 03Flat lifting ring sling10000300010300orange30 days$178
0561 9782 05Flat lifting ring sling30005000790yellow5 days$54
0561 9782 08Flat lifting ring sling30008000790yellow30 days$81
0561 9782 03Flat lifting ring sling30003000790yellow5 days$33
0561 9852 06Flat lifting ring sling400060007120grey5 days$90
0561 9762 04Flat lifting ring sling20004000675green5 days$37
0561 9752 01Flat lifting ring sling20001000760green5 days$11
0561 9602 01Flat lifting ring sling10001000730Purple;5 days$6.7
0561 9852 05Flat lifting ring sling400050007120grey30 days$78
0561 9852 01Flat lifting ring sling400010007120grey30 days$28
0562 0302 05Flat lifting ring sling10000500010300orange5 days$243
0561 9752 05Flat lifting ring sling20005000760green30 days$29
0561 9602 06Flat lifting ring sling10006000730Purple;30 days$24
0561 9762 03Flat lifting ring sling20003000675green5 days$30
0562 0002 06Flat lifting ring sling500060007150red5 days$107
0561 9602 03Flat lifting ring sling10003000730Purple;30 days$13
0561 9782 02Flat lifting ring sling30002000790yellow5 days$26
0561 9782 06Flat lifting ring sling30006000790yellow5 days$61
0561 9782 01Flat lifting ring sling30001000790yellow5 days$17
0561 9752 03Flat lifting ring sling20003000760green30 days$19
0561 9752 06Flat lifting ring sling20006000760green5 days$37
0561 9762 01Flat lifting ring sling20001000675green5 days$16
0562 0002 08Flat lifting ring sling500080007150red30 days$150
0562 0002 10Flat lifting ring sling5000100007150orange30 days$194
0561 9762 06Flat lifting ring sling20006000675green30 days$49
0561 9852 04Flat lifting ring sling400040007120grey30 days$64
0561 9752 08Flat lifting ring sling20008000760green30 days$48
0561 9762 05Flat lifting ring sling20005000675green30 days$43
0562 0002 01Flat lifting ring sling500010007150red30 days$51
0562 0202 02Flat lifting ring sling800020007240blue30 days$110
0562 0302 08Flat lifting ring sling10000800010300orange30 days$350
0561 9852 03Flat lifting ring sling400030007120grey30 days$52
0562 0002 03Flat lifting ring sling500030007150red5 days$66
0561 9762 02Flat lifting ring sling20002000675green5 days$22
0562 0002 02Flat lifting ring sling500020007150red5 days$50
0561 9752 04Flat lifting ring sling20004000760green5 days$26
0562 0002 05Flat lifting ring sling500050007150red5 days$98
0561 9602 015Flat lifting ring sling10001500730Purple;5 days$8
0569 0302 03Flat lifting ring sling200030001430Purple;5 days$18
0561 9752 015Flat lifting ring sling20001500760green5 days$13
0561 9602 02Flat lifting ring sling10002000730Purple;5 days$9
0562 0002 04Flat lifting ring sling500040007150red5 days$83
0561 9752 02Flat lifting ring sling20002000760green5 days$14


Flat lifting straps ranging from 1T to 10T, customized non-standard with a safety factor of 7 times. They are lightweight, flexible, and easy to bend without damaging the surface of the lifted object

Flat sling: lightweight, easy to use, does not damage the surface of the lifted object, lifts smoothly, has high safety and strength, bright colors, improves labor efficiency, saves costs, is corrosion-resistant, has good wear resistance, and will not cause damage to the surface of the lifted object during lifting operations. It has a wide range of uses, including port code heads, chemicals, steel, machinery, installation, and others 。


  • Protect the suspended object from surface damage 。

  • High strength, lightweight, easy to carry, and suitable for lifting preparation work 。

  • Soft and easy to operate 。

  • Non corrosive, non-conductive 。

  • After PU polyurethane resin sizing treatment, it is wear-resistant, highly safe, and has a long service life 。

  • Produced using polyester fiber according to European standard EN1492-1, with a stretch rate of less than 5%。

  • Each lifting belt with different lifting weights has its own identification color, and there are corresponding black lines indicating the tonnage according to the lifting tonnage 。


Flexible sling \ 10t-5m synthetic fiber

Flat (double-layer) lifting ring sling

Product code

Rated load (kg)

Bandwidth * Belt thickness


Hanging ring length


Hanging ear width


Minimum length



Single type crane

U Type suspension

0561 9602








0561 9752








0561 9762







0561 9782








0561 9852








0562 0002








0562 0102








0562 0202








0562 0302








0569 0302


Duoduojin · High strength synthetic fiber lifting belt ULLSU flat lifting ring lifting belt flat ring lifting belt shaped lifting belt circular lifting beltHigh strength synthetic fiber lifting belt is made of high-strength polyester, polypropylene, polyamide industrial strong DOLEC filament as raw material, woven by industrial weaving machines. Compared with traditional wire rope and chain slings, synthetic fiber slings have the following advantages: multiple reinforcements 1 protect the hoisted objects from damage to their surfaces. 2) High strength, lightweight, easy to carry and prepare for lifting. 3) Soft and easy to operate. 3. The raw materials used by our company are pure polyester materials imported from abroad, which are safe and reliable. 4) Not corrosive, non-conductive. 4. Our company's webbing is woven by imported high-speed weaving machines, with advanced weaving structures and high tensile strength. The production and use of synthetic fiber lifting belts in Europe and America began more than 30 years ago, and now they have pure color and a strap expansion rate of less than 5% It can make the lifting work precise and reduce the usage of lifting equipment by nearly 70%. Almost all factories will apply it. There is a lack of danger in lifting work in our country. Many domestic lifting straps with a stretch rate of 10-15% have been applied by enterprises for more than a decade, and their market share is constantly increasing. The development prospects are very promising, and the rubber band effect is difficult to accurately carry out lifting work, greatly increasing the breadth. Synthetic fiber lifting belts are widely used in various industries. Due to the difficulty of lifting, when using two lifting straps, the uneven expansion and contraction can even cause the lifted object to overturn. 5. Our products are wear-resistant, highly safe, and have a long service life due to the surface being treated with PU polyurethane resin sizing. 6. Our company uses imported high-speed pneumatic sewing machines for sewing all lifting belts. The needle size can be adjusted to 1 centimeter, and the sewing thread tension is high, the sewing is dense, and the tensile strength is high 。03.jpg


Instructions for the use and maintenance of flat straps :

1、 Straps contaminated with chemical reagents should be immediately stopped from use, cleaned with cold water, and air dried 。

2、 The sling is suitable for the following temperature range: polyester, polyamide: -40 ℃ to 100 ℃; Polypropylene: -40 ℃ to 80℃。

3、 When lifting, the sling should keep the cargo in a posture that will not tilt or slide. The sling should be tied to the center of gravity of the cargo to maintain stability and balance. If the center of gravity of the cargo is not directly below the lifting point, it should be ensured that the sling can move above the lifting point 。

4、 If the load is asymmetric, be sure to tie it firmly, because in this type of suspension, the sling is likely to slip off the key point without being noticed. When using woven bags in pairs, it is recommended to use extension straps to make individual woven straps as vertical as possible, ensuring that the weight of the load is evenly distributed between the two ropes. If more than one woven strap is used for lifting goods, these straps should be the same 。

5、 The sling should avoid contact with sharp edges of the load or lifting equipment to prevent friction and wear. If the width of the edge range in contact with the woven belt is smaller than the width of the sling, it is considered sharp 。

6、 If the sling is directly used for bundling or lifting, it should be naturally fixed at a 120 degree bundling angle and avoid friction and heat generation. Do not forcefully fix the position of the sling and do not attempt to increase the tension of the bundling. The safe operation process for the two circle bundling operation will be illustrated in the diagram on the left 。

7、 Avoid strong pulling or reverse loading and unloading 。

8、 When not in use, the sling should be stored on a non rusting shelf, paying attention to the cleanliness, dryness, and good ventilation of the surrounding environment. The sling should be kept away from heat sources, chemicals, pipeline gas, corrosive surfaces, direct sunlight, or other sources of ultraviolet radiation. Before storage, check for possible damage to the sling during use. Do not store damaged straps 。

9、 Do not drag the load into the sling, and do not drag the sling on the ground or rough surfaces 。

10、 Woven tapes that have been used or are currently being cleaned may become damp and should be hung in a well ventilated and dry environment to air dry. It is strictly prohibited to take other heating or forced drying measures for the woven belt 。




  • High Load Capacity: Safely lifts loads up to 2 tons, making it suitable for various lifting applications.
  • Length: At 6 meters, it provides flexibility for different lifting scenarios.
  • Durable Construction: Made from robust materials that enhance performance and ensure safety.
  • High Visibility: The vibrant green color allows for easy identification, improving safety during operations.
  • Lightweight Design: Easy to handle, facilitating quick and efficient lifting processes.


The Doleco Flat Lifting Sling is versatile and suitable for numerous applications, including:

  • Construction site lifting operations
  • Warehouse material handling
  • Logistics and transportation of equipment
  • Industrial rigging tasks

Product Description

The Doleco Flat Lifting Sling is engineered for both strength and safety, providing a dependable solution for lifting and securing loads. Its flat design promotes even weight distribution, minimizing the risk of damage during lifting operations. This sling is ideal for professional use, ensuring efficient and secure lifting every time.

Why Choose Doleco?

Doleco is a trusted name in lifting solutions, dedicated to delivering high-quality products that prioritize safety and efficiency. Our slings undergo rigorous testing to meet industry standards, giving you confidence in your lifting operations. Choose Doleco for dependable equipment that enhances productivity and safety on the job.

Customer Reviews

"This sling is fantastic! It handles our loads with ease and confidence." – Sarah T.

"The visibility is great, making it safe to use in busy environments." – Tom K.

"Highly recommend! It has streamlined our lifting tasks significantly." – Lisa R.

10000 Items

Specific References

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About This Item

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About This Item

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Product Overview

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About This Item

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  • Width: 75
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About This Item

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About This Item

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